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Safety Matters: De-Icing Outdoor Walking Surfaces in Winter

Keeping outdoor walking surfaces—such as parking lots and sidewalks—clear of ice in the winter is a crucial practice at many workplaces. 除冰不仅有美观的好处, 它也可以帮助你保持, 你的同事和公众(例如.g., customers or passersby) protected from the risk of slips and trips on the job site.

记住这一点, here’s how you can play your part in promoting effective and safe de-icing measures at the workplace this winter.


Utilize the following guidance to ensure proper ice removal procedures on the job site:

  • 使用合适的混合物. The most effective method for de-icing an outdoor walking surface is by applying a chemical mixture throughout the area to either melt any ice that already exists or prevent ice from forming altogether. This mixture typically includes rock salt (sodium chloride), 氯化镁丸或氯化钙丸. That being said, make sure to use the correct mixture for the conditions at hand. 
    • Rock salt is most effective in temperatures above 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Calcium chloride pellets and magnesium chloride pellets are most effective in temperatures below 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • 不管你用哪种混合物, consider incorporating sand into your mixture before applying it to the surface. Doing so will help limit the amount of mixture that you use and allow for extra traction when applied to the surface—thus minimizing the risk of slips and trips taking place
  • 关注天气. Keep an eye on the weather forecast to determine when you need to apply the de-icing mixture to outdoor walking surfaces. This mixture should be applied when temperatures are below freezing or if conditions such as snow, 可能有冰雹或雨夹雪.
  • 正确使用混合物. Make sure you apply the de-icing mixture in thin, even layers across outdoor walking surfaces. 尝试在条件发生之前应用一层, one or more layers while these conditions are taking place and a final layer after conditions have passed. 请记住,如果有雪的表面, it will need to be shoveled first before you can apply the de-icing mixture. Simplify the de-icing process by shoveling snow after every few inches of accumulation rather than all at once.
  • 保护你的手. Keep your hands properly protected when applying the de-icing mixture by wearing thick mittens and using a scoop to distribute the mixture.
  • 消除多余材料. When temperatures warm up and the de-icing mixture is no longer necessary, be sure to properly dispose of any remaining mixture left across outdoor walking surfaces. Leaving excess mixture on a surface when it isn’t needed could end up creating, 而不是移除, 滑倒和绊倒危险, 也有可能破坏表面本身.


在工作场所的室外人行道上除冰, 保护自己免受冬季天气风险是至关重要的. Be sure to implement the following safety precautions during ice removal:

  • Always check the weather before working outdoors to properly prepare yourself. Try to limit your time outside if weather conditions are extremely cold, wet or windy.
  • 确保你的着装适合你手头的工作. 多穿几层宽松的衣服, 能完全遮住头和耳朵的暖和的帽子, mittens (rather than gloves) and thick socks that will keep your feet dry. 也, utilize shoes with plenty of traction and insulation in order to keep your feet warm and reduce your risk of slipping on icy or snowy surfaces.
  • Take a few minutes to stretch before you begin working outdoors to better prepare your body and limit the potential for sprain or strain injuries.
  • Be sure to eat healthy foods that are rich in carbohydrates and protein prior to working in the cold to help fuel your body. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after your shift.
  • Make sure you know the initial signs of health complications such as overexertion, 乏力, 冻伤和体温过低. If you start developing symptoms for these issues, stop working and inform your supervisor.


你的安全是我们的第一要务. If you have any questions regarding workplace ice removal measures, talk to your supervisor.


  1. 像企鹅一样走路. The waddle keeps your center of gravity over your front leg and will help keep you upright. Spread your feet out slightly, to increase your center of gravity, and take small steps.
  2. Keep your hands out of your pockets while walking — that decreases your center of gravity and balance, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 你需要用胳膊保持平衡.
  3. 穿有良好牵引力的鞋子和靴子. 避免皮革或其他光滑鞋底的鞋子.
  4. 以较慢的速度行走.
  5. 在指定的人行道上行走.
  6. Use the handrail when using stairs and entering and exiting buildings and use special care when exiting and entering vehicles. 使用车辆作为支撑.

This Safety Matters flyer is for general informational purposes only, 不打算作为医疗或法律建议. ©2020 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.







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